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  • Fri, 06 Sep 2024 08:33:24 +0000: Send email in Python with the API method: A step-by-step guide - Envato Tuts+ Tutorials

    If you want to send emails in Python, use a reliable and secure email API solution. In this article, you’ll learn the step-by-step process of sending emails in Python using the API method. 

    Setting up the email API 

    To streamline email sending in Python, you can use a transactional email service such as Mailtrap, Gmail API, Sendgrid, etc.  And, an API also allows you to automate much of email sending 

    Now, I’ll show you how to send different types of emails (plain text, email with attachments, HTML emails) and email multiple recipients in Python using an email API Before that, let’s understand how to set up an email API:

    • Choose an email API: To get started, choose an email API according to your preferences. Make sure it offers Python SDKs to send automated emails (for example Mailtrap’s Python SDK). 
    • Sign up: Sign up to the chosen email API provider. 
    • Connect and verify your domain: Next, connect and verify your domain with the email API service provider you’ve chosen. If not verified, you will be able to send emails to the account owner’s email address only. 

    This ensures recipients only receive genuine emails, avoiding spam. Based on the service provider, complete domain authentication. 

    • Install email API library: Let’s call our email API - “MyEmailAPI”. Ensure the Python app is installed in your system and then install MyEmailAPI’s Python SDK using the below command:

                pip install myemailapi

    Send a plain text email 

    Step 1: Create your mail object and fill in the variables

    import myemailapi
    # Create a mail object
    mailobj = Mail(
            newsender= Address(, name=Test Sender),
            to=[Address(, name=Test Receiver)], 
            newsubject=Test email,
            newtext=This is a plain-text email.,

    Now, create the email client using your API tokens by:

    1. Opening your email API account 
    2. Finding API tokens and copying the credentials 

    Step 2: Send your message

    # Define email API client and send email

    emailclient = MyEmailAPIClient(newtoken=new-api-key)

    Here’s the complete code snippet:

    from myemailapi import Mail, EAddress, MyEmailAPIClient     
    mailobj = Mail(
                 # Define sender address and name
                 newsender=Address(, name=Test Sender),
                 # Define receivers
                 to=[Address(, name=Test Receiver)], 
                 # Email subject
                newsubject=Test email,
                # Define plain text
                newtext=Hi,/nThis is a plain-text email.,
    # Define MyEmailAPIClient using your API keys 
    emailclient = MyEmailAPIClient(newtoken=new-api-key)
    # Send your plain-text email
    print(Congrats! Youve successfully sent your first plain text email in Python.)

    Send an HTML email 

    Follow the instructions to send an HTML email:

    • Specify the HTML Parameter: Specify the ‘html’ parameter for the object - “Mail”. This is where you’ll keep the HTML content you create. Email clients that can display HTML will render this email section.  
    • Fallback Text Content: If an email client can’t render HTML content, the plain text you’ll define inside the email will be used as the fallback. This is also useful for end-users preferring pure text-based emails. 

    Here’s the full code snippet for sending a Python email with HTML content:

    from myemailapi import Mail, EAddress, MyEmailAPIClient     
    mailobj = Mail(                         # Create the Mail object for the HTML email
                 # Define sender address and name
                 newsender=Address(, name=Test Sender),
                 # Define receivers
                 to=[Address(, name=Test Receiver)], 
                 # Define email subject
                newsubject=HTML email,
                # Define text
                newtext=Hi,/nEmail client cant render HTML? Use this fallback text.,
                                    <h1>Hi, there!</h1>
                                     <p>This is text HTML content sent using MyEmailAPI.</p>
    # Define MyEmailAPIClient using your API keys 
    emailclient = MyEmailAPIClient(newtoken=new-api-key)
    # Send your HTML email
    print(Congrats! Youve successfully sent your first HTML email.)

    Send an email to multiple recipients 

    Follow the below instructions:

    • Multiple Recipients Configuration: I’ll change the recipient section to set up the email for more recipients. Instead of using only one ‘to’ address, we’ll use multiple addresses. 
    • Setting the ‘To’ field: In the below code, we’ll define two recipient addresses for the ‘To’ field- and In addition, we’ll define names for each recipient - Test Receiver 1 and Test Receiver 2. 

    Here’s the complete code for sending an email to multiple recipients in Python:

    from myemailapi import Mail, EAddress, MyEmailAPIClient     
    # Create the Mail object for multiple recipients 
    mailobj = Mail(  
                   # Define sender address and name
                   newsender=Address(, name=Test Sender),
                   # Define receivers
                        Address(, name=Test Receiver 1)],
                        Address(, name=Test Receiver 2)], 
                 # Define email subject
                 newsubject= This is email subject,
                 # Define text
                 newtext=Hello, /nThis email has multiple recipients.,
    # Define MyEmailAPIClient using your API keys 
    emailclient = MyEmailAPIClient(newtoken=new-api-key)
    # Send email
    print(Congrats! Youve successfully sent emails to multiple recipients in Python.)

    Send an email with attachments 

    Follow the below instructions: 

    • Specify the file path: First, specify the file path for the attachments. The code will read the file content as bytes to ensure each attachment has proper encoding. This way, attachments are transmitted securely over the network. 
    • Encode in Base64: Ensure to encode the file content in base64 to protect it from malicious actors as email protocols lack binary-safe features. When you encode your file content, the binary data will be converted into text for secure transmission. Use the following method to encode the file content:


    • Create the file Attachment: Create the Attachment class instance with the following parameters:
    1. disposition_new: To indicate the file as an attachment, the ‘disposition_new’ is set to ‘Disposition.ATTACHMENT’. 
    2. content_new: It represents the file content encoded in base64
    3. mimetype_new: The parameter signals email clients about the file type.

    Here’s the complete code:

    from myemailapi import Mail, EAddress, MyEmailAPIClient Attachment, Disposition
    import base64
    from pathlib import Path
    # Define files to attach 
    filepath = Path(thisis/your/filepath/abc.pdf)           # Insert your file’s name 
    filecontent = filepath.read_bytes()   
    # Base64 is used to encode the content of the file 
    encodedcontent = base64.b64encode(filecontent)
    # Specify the email object with an attachment 
    mailobj = Mail(
                   # Define sender address and name
                   newsender=Address(, name=Test Sender),
                   # Define receiver
                  to=[Address(, name=Test Receiver)],
                  # Define email subject
                 newsubject= Attachment inside!”,
                 # Define text
                 newtext=Hello, /nThis email has an important attachment.,
                 # Define email attachment
                 ,                      # The file name 
                          mimetype_new= application/pdf,                       # The file type used here is PDF
    # Define MyEmailAPIClient using your API keys 
    emailclient = MyEmailAPIClient(newtoken=new-api-key)
    # Send email
    print(Congrats! Youve successfully sent emails with an attachment.)

    Test the email before sending 

    Before you send bulk emails using an email API service, make sure you test it beforehand on a test server. This is similar to testing a new application or rolling out a new feature in your app. 

    An email testing API will work like a third-party web server. You’ll get a secure staging environment where you can handle your email traffic internally and check if the email sending functionality is working fine. You can also detect and resolve bugs and errors before sending your emails to targeted recipients. In addition, you can preview and evaluate your email content across different devices and email clients in order to optimize your message. 

    As a result, you’ll be able to:

    • Send emails to the right recipients and enhance email deliverability 
    • Avoid spamming recipients with too many test emails
    • Prevent sending emails with broken links, especially in transactional emails like subscription confirmation emails
    • Safeguard your domain reputation by preventing domain blacklisting or getting higher spam scores 

    Thus, before you send your emails, send them to a designated email address using an email testing API. View the email content, check links, fix issues, and then only send your emails to the target audience. 

    In the below section, I’ll show you how to test an email using a hypothetical email testing API - ‘EtestAPI’. Here’s how to get started step-by-step:

    1. Connect to the EtestAPI client 
    2. Define email content - subject, text, attachments (if any), sender, and receiver(s)
    3. Generate a POST request to EtestAPI using your data and API token.

    Here’s the full code to test your email using EtestAPI:

    # Import ‘json’ and ‘requests’ libraries for handling JSON data and HTTP requests
    import requests
    import json
    # Define a function ‘test_my_email’ with parameters for email testing
    def test_my_email(etestapi_token1, inbox_id1, sender_email1, recipient_email1, subject, text):
        url = f"{inbox_id1}/messages"
        headers = {
            "Authorization": f"Bearer {etestapi_token1}",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        data = {
            "from": [{sender_email1:, name: Test Sender}],
            "to": [{recipient_email1:, name: Test Receiver}],
            "subject": Email Test,
            "text": Hi,/nLets perform email testing,
        # Convert data to a JSON string
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        # make a POST request using ‘’ to send your email to EtestAPI and get the response in JSON
        response =, headers=headers, json_data)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            print("Congrats! Your email test is successful!")
            print("The test email is sent to EtestAPI inbox.")
            print(f"Test email failed: {response.status_code}")


    • ‘url’: API endpoint URL is constructed 
    • ‘headers’: Headers are set up, defining the type of content and API token
    • response.status.code: It helps you check whether your email was successfully sent to the email test API.

    Summing up 

    Using a reliable and secure email API solution allows you to send emails faster, without hassles. If you run a business, an email API will help you automate the process. Thus, you can send highly personalized and bulk emails quickly with a few lines of code as we’ve mentioned above. 

    We also recommend you refer to the Python documentation and the email API solution you prefer. Keep experimenting with new code and exploring email-sending functionalities.

  • Mon, 12 Aug 2024 14:07:51 +0000: How to create a dripping paint text effect - Envato Tuts+ Tutorials
    Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
    What You'll Be Creating

    In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create a paint-dripping effect in Adobe Photoshop. I'll take you through the whole process step by step.

    If you don't have the time to make this dripping-paint text, then Envato is the solution. This subscription-based marketplace has thousands of add-ons you can download without restrictions! You can find plenty of Photoshop text effects to inspire you.

    What you'll learn in this Photoshop text effect tutorial

    • How to add effects to text in Photoshop
    • How to add dripping paint effects
    • How to add spray-paint drip effects
    • How to mask and stylize dripping paint
    • How to save a dripping paint pattern

    What you'll need

    You'll need the following resources to complete this Photoshop text effect:

    1. How to create a new document and set up the background

    Step 1

    Create a new document (Control-N), setting the Width to 1700 px and the Height to 1500 px.

    create new document photoshopcreate new document photoshopcreate new document photoshop

    Step 2

    We'll start with the background. You'll need image #3 from this pack of Acrylic Paint Backgrounds. Simply drag it into your Photoshop document, focus on the Options bar (Window > Options), and set the Width to about 2300 px.

    To center this photo, you can press Control-A to load a selection around your entire canvas, pick the Move Tool (V), and then click the Align horizontal center and Align vertical center buttons from the Options bar.

    add dripping paint background photoshopadd dripping paint background photoshopadd dripping paint background photoshop

    2. How to add the text

    Step 1

    Pick the Horizontal Type Tool (T) from your toolbar, and make sure that the Foreground color is set to white (R=255 G=255 B=255).

    Move to the Options bar to choose the settings for the text that you're about to add. We'll use the Montserrat font. Select the Black style and set the Size to about 350 pt, and don't forget to check that Center Text button.

    Once you're done, just click on your canvas and type in your text. We'll use "WET PAINT" for this example, but feel free to add your own text.

    how to add text in photoshophow to add text in photoshophow to add text in photoshop

    Step 2

    Focus on the Layers panel (Window > Layers), hold down the Control key, and click your text to load a selection around it.

    load selection around text in Photoshopload selection around text in Photoshopload selection around text in Photoshop

    Step 3

    With the selection around the text still active, go to Select > Modify > Smooth. Set the Radius to 3 px and click OK.

    Return to the Layers panel, make sure that your text is selected, and click the Add layer mask button. The mask will add a subtle roundness to the corners of your text.

    smooth selection and mask textsmooth selection and mask textsmooth selection and mask text

    Step 4

    Now let's add some Drop Shadows to the text. You can either double-click it (in the Layers panel) or go to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow.

    Use the plus button to add another two Drop Shadows below the existing one, and then enter the settings shown in the following images.

    how to addd drop shadow text Photoshophow to addd drop shadow text Photoshophow to addd drop shadow text Photoshop
    photoshop drow shadow effectphotoshop drow shadow effectphotoshop drow shadow effect
    photoshop add second drop shadowphotoshop add second drop shadowphotoshop add second drop shadow
    photoshop multiple drop shadow effectphotoshop multiple drop shadow effectphotoshop multiple drop shadow effect

    3. How to add the dripping paint

    Step 1

    For the drip paint effect, we'll use several brushes from this set of Ink Splatter Brushes. Download the ABR file and double-click it to load the brushes in the Brushes panel (Window > Brushes).

    We'll start with "Ink Splatter_01", but first go to the Layers panel and add a new layer using the Create a new layer button. Name it "Ink Splatter_01" to distinguish it. Keep in mind that you'll need to add new layers whenever you add a new brush to your design. Keep naming the layers with the names of your brushes.

    Keep your "Ink Splatter_01" layer selected, pick the Brush Tool (B), and set the foreground color to black (R=0 G=0 B=0).

    Select the "Ink Splatter_01" brush from the Brushes panel and set the size to 600 px. Use the left and right arrow keys to rotate your brush until you get to the angle shown below. Finally, click a couple of times (three should be enough) in the same spot to diminish the transparency of the brush.

    dripping paint brush Photoshopdripping paint brush Photoshopdripping paint brush Photoshop

    Step 2

    Add a new layer and name it "Ink Splatter_01 B". As the name suggests, we'll use the "Ink Splatter_01" brush again.

    Lower the size to 500 px and add a second dripping paint effect, as shown below. Don't forget to click three times in the same spot to diminish the brush transparency.

    new layer photoshopnew layer photoshopnew layer photoshop

    Step 3

    Continue with "Ink Splatter_03" after you add a new layer and name it accordingly. Set the Size to 500 px and apply the brush as shown below.

    dripping paint brushdripping paint brushdripping paint brush

    Step 4

    Continue with "Ink Splatter_04" and add two new layers as we're going to use this brush twice. Set the Size to 800 px and apply the brushes as shown below.

    Before we continue, you need to flip the second instance of this brush. Just select its layer and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.

    ink splatter brushink splatter brushink splatter brush

    Step 5

    Move on to "Ink Splatter_06". Add a new layer and name it accordingly. Set the Size to 700 px and apply the brush as shown below.

    flip dripping paint brushflip dripping paint brushflip dripping paint brush

    Step 6

    Again, add two new layers as we're going to use "Ink Splatter_08" twice. Add the two brushes as shown below, using the indicated Size values. Once you're done, select just the bottom one and flip it horizontally (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal).

    dripping paint brush effectdripping paint brush effectdripping paint brush effect

    Step 7

    Continue with "Ink Splatter_09" and add a new layer. Set the Size to 500 px and apply the brush as shown below.

    spray paint drip spray paint drip spray paint drip

    Step 8

    Next, you'll need "Ink Splatter_12". Instead of adding a new layer, select your first "Ink Splatter_04" layer. Set the Size to 700 px and apply the "Ink Splatter_12" brush on top of the existing one, as shown below.

    merge dripping paint brushmerge dripping paint brushmerge dripping paint brush

    Step 9

    Continue with "Ink Splatter_17". Set the Size to 600 px and add a new layer, and then apply the brush as shown below.

    dripping path brush effectdripping path brush effectdripping path brush effect

    Step 10

    Finally, add another two layers as we're going to use "Ink Splatter_19" twice. Apply the two brushes as shown below, using the indicated Size values.

    paint brushespaint brushespaint brushes

    4. How to color the dripping paint

    Step 1

    Select each "Ink Splatter" layer and turn it into a smart object. A simple right-click followed by Convert to Smart Object will turn any layer into a smart object.

    how to turn a layer into a smart objecthow to turn a layer into a smart objecthow to turn a layer into a smart object

    Step 2

    Now that you have your smart objects, let's make some color adjustments for approximately half of these brushes.

    Focus on one of your smart objects (in the Layers panel) and double-click it to open it in a separate window and adjust its color. Open the Layer Style window for the existing layer, apply a Color Overlay, and set the color to R=72 G=0 B=193. Repeat the same technique for roughly half of your brushes, as shown below.

    change color of a smart object brushchange color of a smart object brushchange color of a smart object brush
    dripping paint brush color overlaydripping paint brush color overlaydripping paint brush color overlay

    Step 3

    Focus on the remaining black brushes. Apply the same Color Overlay effect, but this time set the color to R=246 G=118 B=71.

    dripping paint brush orangedripping paint brush orangedripping paint brush orange
    paint brush color overlaypaint brush color overlaypaint brush color overlay

    5. How to mask the dripping paint

    Step 1

    Now that we've colored the brushes, let's mask them. Have a look in the Layers panel and get to your text. Hold down the Control key and click the mask to load a selection around it.

    Select one of your smart objects from the Layers panel and click the Add layer mask button. This will hide the parts of the brush that do not overlap with the text.

    Keep this new mask selected, and grab the Brush Tool (B). Pick a Hard Round brush from the Brushes panel, and make sure that the Foreground Color is set to white. Now, simply paint the bottom area of your masked brush to make it visible again. To hide a specific region again, set the Foreground Color to black and then paint that region. Keep in mind that you can use the D key to reset the Foreground Color and the Background Color to black and white. Using the X key, you can easily swap the Foreground and Background colors.

    mask dripping paintmask dripping paintmask dripping paint

    Step 2

    Let's continue masking the rest of the brushes. Again, load a selection around the mask of the text, and then use it to mask the brush.

    Once masked, use the Brush Tool (B) to make the dripping parts visible again, as shown in the second image.

    mask dripping paint brushmask dripping paint brushmask dripping paint brush

    Step 3

    Now comes the more repetitive part. Mask the rest of your brushes as we did with the first two, and use your creativity when deciding which part should remain visible.

    masking a brush in Photoshopmasking a brush in Photoshopmasking a brush in Photoshop
    how to mask a brush in Photoshophow to mask a brush in Photoshophow to mask a brush in Photoshop
    masked brushmasked brushmasked brush
    masking brushes in Photoshopmasking brushes in Photoshopmasking brushes in Photoshop
    mask a brush in Photoshopmask a brush in Photoshopmask a brush in Photoshop
    text mask a brush in Photoshoptext mask a brush in Photoshoptext mask a brush in Photoshop
    load selection around a mask in Photoshopload selection around a mask in Photoshopload selection around a mask in Photoshop
    masking brushes in Photoshopmasking brushes in Photoshopmasking brushes in Photoshop
    masked brushmasked brushmasked brush
    brush maskbrush maskbrush mask
    mask a brush in Photoshopmask a brush in Photoshopmask a brush in Photoshop

    6. How to save a dripping-paint pattern in Photoshop

    Step 1

    Before we continue with the final touches for this paint-dripping text, let's save a pattern.

    First, create a 1700 x 1200 px new document. You'll need image #9 from Acrylic Paint Backgrounds. Drag it inside this new document, set the Height to 1200 px and don't forget to center this image.

    import a photo inside a Photoshop documentimport a photo inside a Photoshop documentimport a photo inside a Photoshop document

    Step 2

    Convert your image into a smart object, and then go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White.

    adjustment layer black whiteadjustment layer black whiteadjustment layer black white

    Step 3

    To save this black and white image as a pattern, go to Edit > Define Pattern. Give it a name and click OK. We'll use this pattern shortly.

    devine pattern how to save a pattern in Photoshopdevine pattern how to save a pattern in Photoshopdevine pattern how to save a pattern in Photoshop

    7. How to stylize the dripping paint

    Step 1

    Now it's time to stylize these paint drip effects.

    Open the Layer Style window for one of your purple brushes, and apply all the effects shown in the following images. Use your saved pattern when you get to the Pattern Overlay section.

    Once you're done, right-click your stylized dripping paint (in the Layers panel) and go to Copy Layer Style. Select the rest of your purple brushes, right-click one of these, and go to Paste Layer Style.

    stylize dripping paint brushesstylize dripping paint brushesstylize dripping paint brushes
    stylize dripping paint bevel embossstylize dripping paint bevel embossstylize dripping paint bevel emboss
    stylize dripping paint contourstylize dripping paint contourstylize dripping paint contour
    stylize dripping paint inner shadowstylize dripping paint inner shadowstylize dripping paint inner shadow
    stylize dripping paint inner glowstylize dripping paint inner glowstylize dripping paint inner glow
    stylize dripping paint pattern overlaystylize dripping paint pattern overlaystylize dripping paint pattern overlay
    stylize dripping paint drop shadowstylize dripping paint drop shadowstylize dripping paint drop shadow
    stylize dripping paint second drop shadowstylize dripping paint second drop shadowstylize dripping paint second drop shadow

    Step 2

    Use the same Layer Style settings for your orange brushes, but change the colors used for the two Drop Shadow effects.

    stylize orange dripping paint brushstylize orange dripping paint brushstylize orange dripping paint brush
    dripping paint brush edit drop shadow effectdripping paint brush edit drop shadow effectdripping paint brush edit drop shadow effect

    Congratulations! You're done!

    Here is how your painting drip effect should look. I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and can apply these techniques in your future projects.

    Feel free to adjust the final Photoshop text effect and make it your own. You can find some great sources of inspiration at Envato, with interesting solutions to improve any 3D text effect in Photoshop.

    How to Create a Paint Drip Text EffectHow to Create a Paint Drip Text EffectHow to Create a Paint Drip Text Effect

    Popular dripping paint assets from Envato

    Envato is an excellent resource for cool Photoshop text effects. Here's a short list of some of the most popular painting drip effects that you can find.

    Spray paint drip textures (EPS, AI, PNG)

    Here are some authentic spray paint drip textures! These vector paint drip textures are ready to be dropped into your design project with ease.

    Spray Paint Drip TexturesSpray Paint Drip TexturesSpray Paint Drip Textures

    Dripping paint effect (JPG)

    Looking to create a cool text effect in Photoshop? Well, this chromatic dripping paint effect might be the perfect fit.

    Dripping Paint EffectDripping Paint EffectDripping Paint Effect

    3D paint text effect (ATN)

    Cut the hassle of learning how to add effects to text in Photoshop, and use this action to create your own 3D paint text effect.

    3D Paint Text Effect3D Paint Text Effect3D Paint Text Effect

    Vector paint drip pattern (AI, EPS, JPG, SVG)

    Keep it smooth and simple with this vector paint drip pattern. These spray-paint drips could be the perfect solution if you're looking to put together a simple design.

    Vector Paint Drip PatternVector Paint Drip PatternVector Paint Drip Pattern

    Cartoon Paint Dripping Effect (ATN, PDF)

    Here's another cool technique that you can use to make a design stand out using a dripping paint effect.

    Cartoon Paint Dripping EffectCartoon Paint Dripping EffectCartoon Paint Dripping Effect
  • Thu, 18 Jul 2024 13:13:20 +0000: What are experimental films? - Envato Tuts+ Tutorials

    Experimental films are also known as avant-garde, which literally means the ‘vanguard’ or ‘advanced guard’—so people ahead of their time! Unlike mainstream cinema, which usually sticks to established structures and techniques, experimental films prioritise expression and innovation. They can vary a lot in style and approach, but they tend to have a few things in common:

    • Non-traditional narrative: Experimental films often spurn linear storytelling in favour of more fragmented or abstract narratives.
    • Innovative techniques: Filmmakers use unconventional methods in cinematography, editing, and sound design.
    • Focus on form and content: The emphasis is often on a visual and auditory experience rather than on plot or character development.
    • Personal expression: Many experimental films reflect the unique vision and style of the filmmaker.

    Experimental vs. mainstream cinema

    One of the biggest differences between experimental and mainstream cinema is the narrative structure. Mainstream films often follow a three-act structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Experimental films usually use non-linear or fragmented narratives, focusing more on mood and atmosphere than on plot.

    In production, mainstream movies are normally going for a polished and commercially viable finished product. They might use expensive special effects, well-known actors, and so on. Experimental films are more likely to use things like found footage, hand-painted frames, and weird camera angles.

    Audience expectations are generally different for experimental films when compared to mainstream cinema. Avant-garde films are for niche audiences who are used to the unconventional storytelling methods, and they often have a limited release at film festivals, galleries, or independent cinemas. They’re more about artistic expression than being a commercial hit. Mainstream films, though, are designed to attract big audiences and make money at the box office. This means they have to appeal to a wide range of viewers, so they often stick with clear storytelling, relatable characters, and satisfying endings.

    A quick history of experimental cinema

    The beginning

    scene from un chien andalouscene from un chien andalouscene from un chien andalou
    Scene from Un Chien Andalou

    In the 1920s, cinema was starting to get into its stride. The resistance it had seen from the upper classes (as a low-brow form of entertainment) was fizzling out, so artists and filmmakers began to explore film as a means of artistic expression.

    European avant-garde movements like Dadaism and Surrealism had a big influence on this, and films like Un Chien Andalou (1929) by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí (yes the artist!) broke new ground with dreamlike sequences and shocking imagery. Un Chien Andalou is a short film with disjointed imagery, and it opens with a scene where an eye is cut open with a razor. These shocking visuals were meant to evoke emotions and thoughts, rather than get across any kind of narrative.

    What are Dadaism and surrealism?

    Dadaism embraces chaos and absurdity, with a focus on the unconscious mind and dream logic. It came out of reactions to the First World War and had an anti-bourgeois sentiment. Quite often filmmakers would use collages with found objects and strange materials to make their work.

    Surrealism was influenced by Sigmund Freud’s theories and uses techniques like automatism and juxtaposition to create outlandish and illogical scenes that are supposed to unlock deeper parts of our imagination and experience.

    Mid-20th century

    a scene from meshes of the afteroona scene from meshes of the afteroona scene from meshes of the afteroon
    A scene from Meshes of the Afternoon

    Experimental cinema had a bit of a boom in the mid-20th century, particularly in the United States and Europe. Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) uses surreal, symbolic imagery and advanced editing techniques to explore themes of identity and perception. Kenneth Anger's Scorpio Rising (1963) combined pop culture and occult symbolism, using a soundtrack that integrated rock and roll music with provocative visuals—pretty ground-breaking for the time! Anger is quite often credited with laying the groundwork for modern music videos.

    Stan Brakhage’s work, particularly Dog Star Man (1964), pushed the limits of visual abstraction, using techniques like painting directly onto film and using extreme close-ups of natural objects. His films didn’t have traditional narratives, focusing instead on the sensory and emotional impact of the sound and visuals.

    Film co-operatives and independent cinemas sprung up, which provided platforms for these experimental works to be shown and discussed, helping the genre to grow.

    Late 20th century


    Digital technology opened up new possibilities for experimental filmmakers in terms of lower production costs, so there was flexibility to experiment, and new voices of the genre started to pop up from around the world.

    Directors such as David Lynch, with films like Eraserhead (1977), kept pushing the boundaries of narrative and visual style. He was in his early 30s when the film was released to mixed reviews describing it as "a dream of dark and troubling things".

    Contemporary experimental films

    In terms of up-to-date experimental films, you might wonder how they can make them stand out or be shocking, when so much has already been done! Well, the likes of Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Lars von Trier are continuing to push those boundaries. Von Trier favours trilogies, either by style or by theme, and is such a fan of avant-garde that he even founded Dogme 95 (along with Thomas Vinterberg) in 1995, his own filmmaking movement that set out ‘purifying’ principles like:

    • Films must be shot on location, without bringing in props or sets.

    • Diegetic sound only; music must be part of the scene.

    • Handheld cameras should be used for all filming.

    • Colour film must be used without special lighting.

    • The film must take place in the here and now; no historical or futuristic settings.

    • Genre movies are not allowed.

    • The film must be in the Academy 35mm format.

    • The director must not be credited.

    With the evolution of technology, filmmaking has been democratised (to an extent), and this has meant more experimental films from diverse cultural backgrounds. Online platforms and film festivals that centre around avant-garde cinema have also been crucial in bringing experimental works to wider audiences.

    Standout experimental films

    1. Un Chien Andalou (1929), directed by Luis Buñuel

    We’ve mentioned this French silent film already, but it’s renowned for its shocking and surreal imagery, including the scene of a razor slicing through an eyeball. These images were inspired by the dreams of the two writers Buñuel and Dali, who we can only assume had been eating a lot of cheese before bedtime. The audience response to the film was surprisingly positive, which upset Dali a bit as he’d wanted to shock and upset them! Un Chien Andalou has since influenced countless filmmakers and artists with its bold and interesting...(!) approach.

    2. Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), directed by Maya Deren and Alexandr Hackenschmied

    Deren's short silent film was co-directed by her husband and has since been recognised for its historic and cultural significance by the Library of Congress. This is another film heavily influenced by surrealism and explores a woman’s psyche through symbolic imagery like a silhouette of a woman with a flower on a drive and a phone off the hook. The sequences repeat and the narrative becomes circular, making it hard to understand what is reality and what is a dream.

    3. Dog Star Man (1961-1964), directed by Stan Brakhage

    Dog Star Man is actually a series of four short films (plus a prelude, so five films in total) that were originally released in instalments but later were regularly shown as one long film, as intended. It’s a sort of abstract visual poem that uses hand-painted frames.

    "Brakhage creates a myth of his own personal history from his birth, past relationship to his mother and father, and present relationship to his wife and son. His myth is seen in a cosmic context, earth sun and moon playing a part." — LUX

    4. Scorpio Rising (1963), directed by Kenneth Anger

    Scorpio Rising combines documentary footage with stylised sequences, exploring themes of rebellion, sexuality, and the occult. It was shot over three months in New York and split into four sections featuring imagery like Christian iconography and even Nazi imagery. Its use of music in particular made it a hit, and it’s since been considered to be the foundation for today’s music videos, particularly during the MTV era.

    5. Eraserhead (1977), directed by David Lynch

    Written by, directed by, and starring David Lynch, Eraserhead is a nightmarish journey into the subconscious, told in a non-linear way. It’s a low-budget, black-and-white film that didn’t really get much fanfare on release but later would become a cult classic.

    6. Tropical Malady (2004), directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul

    Tropical Malady is a romantic psychological drama that blends realism with folklore, and explores love and identity in a non-linear narrative. It’s been described as a diptych as it’s essentially a work of two parts. The first half follows the relationship between a soldier (Keng) and a country boy, and the second shows Keng trying to track down a shaman who can turn into a wild beast.

    7. La Jetée (1962), directed by Chris Marker

    La Jetée is a short French science fiction film in black and white, set in the aftermath of a Third World War. It tells the story of a man who is sent back in time to find a solution for humanity’s survival after the Second World War. The film is made up almost entirely of still photographs, which emphasises the film’s core themes of memory and time.

    8. Wavelength (1967), directed by Michael Snow

    Wavelength consists of a continuous 45-minute slow zoom across a New York City apartment until it gets to a photograph of the sea stuck to a wall. It’s very minimalistic and has an emphasis on form, all of which make the duration a bit of a challenge to engage with but fit the film’s themes of the passage of time quite well! Events do happen during the slow zoom, just so you know.

    9. Blue (1993) by Derek Jarman

    Blue is a British avant-garde film that consists of a single static shot of a blue screen with a voice-over, sound effects, and music. In the VO, Jarman talks about his experiences with AIDS, his failing eyesight, and the impact of the disease on his life and work. The blue screen is a metaphor for the emotional and physical pain he’s going through at the time. Blue was the last feature film he released before his death, just four months later.

    10. The Holy Mountain (1973) by Alejandro Jodorowsky

    Another surreal film, The Holy Mountain involves Alejandro Jodorowsky exploring spirituality, mysticism, and transformation. A Christ-like figure joins a group of characters representing plants in the solar system, and they set off on a quest to reach the Holy Mountain for enlightenment.

    Conclusion: Experimental or avant-garde cinema

    It’s not always easy to enjoy or understand experimental films, and having added context about the influences or reasons behind the filmmakers’ choices can be really helpful for that. There’s no doubt, though, that over the last 100 and some years, experimental films have continually pushed the boundaries of what cinema can be, getting us to think beyond regular storytelling.

    More free film theory articles

    About this page

    This page was written by Marie Gardiner. Marie is a writer, author, and photographer. It was edited by Andrew Blackman. Andrew is a freelance writer and editor, and is a copy editor for Envato Tuts+.

  • Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:45:17 +0000: How to organize motion graphics (MOGRTs) in Adobe Premiere Pro - Envato Tuts+ Tutorials

    Motion graphic templates are called MOGRT files in Adobe apps. They’re common tools for Adobe After Effects. But picture this: you’re a Premiere Pro user, and you want to work with MOGRTs.

    MOGRT Premiere ProMOGRT Premiere ProMOGRT Premiere Pro
    In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to organize motion graphics (called MOGRTs) in Premiere Pro.

    It's all possible in Premiere Pro. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to organize motion graphics in Adobe Premiere Pro. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need After Effects to use MOGRTs! I’ll show you how to import MOGRTs into Premiere. Then, we’ll explore how to organize your new collection. 

    What are MOGRTs in Premiere Pro?

    As mentioned, MOGRTs are motion graphics templates. These are the animated graphics commonly seen in popular videos. A MOGRT Premiere Pro may include lower thirds, transitions, text animations, and more. In essence, they are files that package visual motion effects. By editing a MOGRT, you can bring these effects to your next video. 

    Now, let’s learn how to import a MOGRT in Premiere Pro! 

    How to organize motion graphics in Premiere Pro (step by step)

    Organizing MOGRT Premiere Pro files is easy. To show how to do it, let’s use a MOGRT template pack from Envato Elements. You can download it if you’d like to follow along with our tutorial.

    1. Open the Essential Graphics panel

    You’ll want to begin by choosing a template like the one above. Then, you’ll need to import MOGRT Premiere Pro files. Start by having your MOGRT template files downloaded. 

    Then, launch Premiere Pro on your computer. You’ll find yourself in the main Edit view. It’s one of three major panels in Premiere: Import, Edit, and Export. The Edit view is really where the magic happens. And it’s where you’ll go to import MOGRT files. Although it’s tempting to click Import, MOGRT files aren’t handled like normal media in Premiere Pro.

    Open the essential graphics panelOpen the essential graphics panelOpen the essential graphics panel
    To import MOGRT Premiere Pro templates, start on the Edit tab. Then, go to Window > Essential Graphics.

    With the Edit tab selected, open the Essential Graphics panel. If it’s not in view by default, go to the Window dropdown. This is found at the very top of your Premiere Pro screen. Click Window, and from the list of options there, choose Essential Graphics. 

    2. Import MOGRT files

    When you click Essential Graphics, you’ll see the panel appear. In Premiere Pro, it’s structured as a sidebar menu on the right side of your screen. Think of the Essential Graphics panel as the control center for MOGRT effects and templates in Premiere Pro. Again, it differs from the normal Import process that you’d use for audio or video.

    Essential graphics panelEssential graphics panelEssential graphics panel
    With the Essential Graphics panel open, you’re ready to import your favorite MOGRT Premiere Pro templates.

    On the Essential Graphics panel, you have two options. Either way, you need to be on the Browse tab on the Essential Graphics panel. Then, click on the My Templates tab. The My Templates group controls any MOGRT templates that you’ve imported into Premiere.

    Import Mogrt Premiere ProImport Mogrt Premiere ProImport Mogrt Premiere Pro
    Drag and drop MOGRT templates onto the Essential Graphics panel.

    To import, click on the + icon next to Local Templates. A file browser will launch. Browse to the downloaded MOGRT files on your computer, click on them, and press Choose. The MOGRT files will be imported into Premiere!

    The second, easier way to add templates is to drag and drop them into the open space on the bottom half of the Essential Graphics panel. In a flash, they’ll be imported! This saves you the step of opening a file browser.

    Ready to use your MOGRT templates? Easy! Drag them onto your Timeline at the bottom of Premiere Pro. You’ll see them appear. The Essential Graphics panel, on the Edit tab, controls the effects you can edit. 

    Use MOGRT Premiere ProUse MOGRT Premiere ProUse MOGRT Premiere Pro
    Drag and drop MOGRT templates onto your Timeline to start editing them.

    3. Create a new library

    Now that you’ve imported a MOGRT template, you’re ready to go. But what if you have many of your own MOGRTs? How do you stay organized?

    My favorite method is to group MOGRT files into libraries in Premiere Pro. Libraries are smart collections that help you store and organize media in Premiere Pro. This includes MOGRTs.

    Open libraries panelOpen libraries panelOpen libraries panel
    Organize your MOGRT Premiere Pro collection by opening the Libraries panel.

    To create your own MOGRT library, open the Libraries panel. You can find it by going to Window > Libraries. It will open on the left side of Premiere Pro. 

    On the Libraries panel, click Create new library. Give it a name, and then click Create. You have your first Premiere Pro library, ready to help your MOGRTs stay organized!

    Create a libraryCreate a libraryCreate a library
    Give your new library a descriptive name to help you organize your MOGRT collections.

    4. Add MOGRT templates to the library

    Finally, you’ll need to add MOGRT templates to the library that you created. Return once again to the Essential Graphics panel. Right-click on a MOGRT template thumbnail.

    Add MOGRT to libraryAdd MOGRT to libraryAdd MOGRT to library
    Right-click on a MOGRT template, and then choose Copy to Library.

    From the list of options, hover over Copy to Library. In this menu, you’ll see the name of your new library listed. To add your MOGRT to this library, click on the name. Now, you have a fully indexed and accessible MOGRT collection underway!

    Open MOGRT libraryOpen MOGRT libraryOpen MOGRT library
    View your MOGRT library on the Essential Graphics tab like this.

    Libraries are viewable on the Libraries tab. You can also find them in the Libraries group on the Essential Graphics panel. It’s an easy way to group and classify MOGRT templates however you want. 

    Learn more top Premiere Pro tips & tricks

    A MOGRT Premiere Pro template helps you create amazing motion graphics and effects. But it’s just one of countless editing tools that you can use in Premiere Pro. Below are some top tutorials from the Envato Tuts+ library. They’re here to help you upgrade your Premiere Pro skills in moments!

    Add and organize MOGRTs in Premiere Pro today

    In this tutorial, you learned how to use MOGRT Premiere Pro templates. By importing them on the Essential Graphics panel, you can start using them quickly. And with Libraries, you can organize your MOGRT collection in Premiere Pro.

    Motion graphics open up a new world of editing possibilities, and they’re amazingly easy to add and organize in Adobe Premiere Pro with these steps.

  • Sun, 12 May 2024 00:12:14 +0000: How to quickly apply blur effects to videos in CapCut - Envato Tuts+ Tutorials
    Blurred image with bokehBlurred image with bokehBlurred image with bokeh
    Knowing how to blur a video in CapCut unlocks a new world of abstract and creative styling

    In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn how to blur a video in CapCut. It’s a quick, easy edit that unlocks a new world of style. And you can use this stunning CapCut blur effect with every single project that you find yourself working with. 

    Let’s get started!

    Why use CapCut blur effects?

    Knowing how to blur video in CapCut is a valuable skill. Thanks to how easy it is, you’ll find yourself using blur effects every single day. But why are they useful? Why would you want to add a CapCut blur effect to your video? 

    Consider this:

    • You can reduce distractions. By blurring some or all of a video, you can eliminate any element that you don’t want an audience to see. 
    • You’ll draw focus to the subject of your video. Blur part of a video, and viewers naturally look at what’s in focus. Blurs are a powerful way to control where the eyes of your audience go from moment to moment. 
    • Blurs help you transition from scene to scene. Trying to add a powerful segue from video to video? By adding a blur, you can dissolve one scene and introduce another. 
    • It stands out in the feed. Creative use of blur effects in CapCut helps your videos stand out. It’s all too easy to focus on keeping things razor sharp at all times. Think outside the box and add CapCut blurs to stay imaginative. 

    How to blur video in CapCut (step-by-step guide)

    Let’s learn how to blur videos in CapCut, step by step. For this demo, we’ll work in the CapCut iOS mobile app. It’s available for free from Apple’s App Store. CapCut works on other platforms too, like Android and even your PC. Blur features are available in all of them.

    As you learn how to add blur in CapCut, you’ll see stock footage from Envato Elements in use. Want to follow along with the tutorial? Download the video.

    1. Choose a video to blur in CapCut

    To start learning how to blur videos in CapCut, launch the CapCut app. When you do, you’ll see four menu tabs across the bottom of your screen. They’re labeled Edit, Templates, Inbox, and Me. To begin, make sure that you’re working on Edit by tapping on it with your finger. 

    When you’re on the Edit menu, you have two options. If you have an existing project that you want to add blur effects to, choose it from the Projects gallery. Otherwise, if you want to start from scratch, click New project. It’s in the blue box in the upper center of your screen.

    Clip added to timeline in CapcutClip added to timeline in CapcutClip added to timeline in Capcut
    Choose an existing project, or tap New project. Here, you can add a video and learn how to blur video in CapCut.

    When you choose New project, CapCut will open your video library. Select a video by tapping on it. Then, in the lower right corner of your screen, press Add. When you do, you’ll see your chosen video open in Edit mode. 

    You’re ready to learn how to blur video in CapCut!

    2. Open the CapCut video effects

    When you’re working in Edit mode, you’ll see your video clip previewed front and center. Then, below, you’ll see the Timeline. This is how you can choose what frame of the video that you’re viewing and editing. And at the bottom, you’ll see a collection of menu buttons and options. 

    To see how to blur in CapCut, you’ll want to find the Effects menu. In CapCut, blur designs are treated as visual effects. This is a broad category spanning countless edits. All blur options in CapCut are grouped under Effects.

    Effects panel in Capcut to blur videoEffects panel in Capcut to blur videoEffects panel in Capcut to blur video
    To learn how to blur a video in CapCut, scroll over to the Effects button, and then choose Video effects.

    On the toolbar menu at the bottom of CapCut, find the Effects button. It’s easy to see, thanks to a star icon right above it. Click Effects, and watch the menu transform. You’ll see new buttons at the bottom. These are labeled Video effects, Body effects, Photo effects, and AI effects.

    To see how to blur video in CapCut, tap on the Video effects option. This is where you’ll find each and every video blur option in CapCut. 

    3. Choose and apply a CapCut blur effect

    When you choose CapCut Video effects, you’ll see an effect gallery open. This panel features countless visual effects that you can add to any video. By default, you’ll find yourself on the Trending tab. Scrolling to the right, you can explore other categories.

    Want a shortcut to find the best blur effects in CapCut? Click into the Search box at the top of the Effects gallery. Then, type in “blur” and search. When you do, you’ll see all of the available CapCut blur effects grouped together. These begin with Halo Blur, Blur, and more. It’s a fast way to see your options. 

    Adding blur to Capcut videoAdding blur to Capcut videoAdding blur to Capcut video
    Explore the variety of blur effects in CapCut. Then, tap on one to add it to your video.

    Each thumbnail provides a quick preview of the effect and how it changes the look and feel of your video. To add a blur effect, simply tap on the thumbnail of your chosen effect. Here, let’s demo with Halo Blur.

    Your video will transform instantly! You can see it previewed on the upper half of your screen. And with a blur effect added, you’re ready to share your video with the world. It’s a cool way to introduce a new and creative aesthetic to any footage.

    Add blur effects in CapCut today 

    Today, you learned how to blur video in CapCut. As you can see, it’s a fast and straightforward edit. You can add blur effects to any project in just a few seconds.

    Imagine the creative options this unlocks. Then, get to work right inside your free CapCut app. It’s a breeze to blur videos, with only a handful of short steps. Try it today!

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